Serving our community and profession

 At the Center we are dedicated to sharing and spreading financial literacy. Melissa Joy, CFP® and Julie Hall, CFP® recently took their professional expertise to the community by volunteering for the Financial Planning Association of Michigan. Each presented workshops for the Detroit Parent Network. 

Julie led a risk management workshop speaking to parents of school aged children that live in Detroit, Hamtramck and Highland Park. Her message included ways to incorporate life insurance, disability insurance and property and casualty insurance into an overall risk management plan.  Julie said, “It was great to be able share my financial planning knowledge with a group of parents in Detroit who have not had the opportunity to meet with someone to discuss financial planning concerns before."

Also reaching out to parents, Melissa visited the parent support center at Marcus Garvey in Detroit Public Schools where she shared what she calls a personal Financial Fire Drill. “I visited on field day so the whole school was full of excitement and energy and the parents had been volunteering their time with their kids throughout the day," Melissa said. "It was great to meet so many moms and dads and the program instructors at Marcus Garvey. The financial literacy discussion was wide-ranging and real-world, just as financial planning should be. I’ll look forward to volunteering with this program again in the future.”